Riva Wave
Riva Wave
Riva Wave
Riva Wave
Riva Wave
Riva Wave


Riva Wave


The Riva Wave. A retro, classic style, but with the latest innovation, the new Riva is made with our latest multi-layered design with an extra mid-layer of eco-fibre for that added strength and durability.  We've also introduced a discreet opening screw, to allow for prescription lenses. Complete with Ebony wood inner and outer which manifests itself in a variant grain with waves of lighter and darker wood. Metal logo detailing gives that urban feel to this rurally inspired design. You also have two choices of Polarised lens to complete the look; brown or dark grey.

Wood - Ebony brown
Lens - CR39, UV400 & Polarised
Bridge - 23
Temple - 142

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